Longman English Interactive 1,2,3 & 4

Longman English Interactive 1,2,3 & 4 ( CD-ROM Softwares for Windows)

Longman English Interactive is a four-level, video based, integrated-skills software program. Students work with contemporary and engaging video, audio, animations, and extensive practice activities to develop essential skills. Longman English Interactive 1 is for beginners and Longman English Interactive 2 is for high beginners.
Longman English Interactive 3 is for intermediate learners and Longman English Interactive 4 is for high intermediate learners.

Features of Level 1 & Level 2 

Students develop skills in speaking, listening, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading and writing.
Role-plays with video characters engage learners and create realistic dialogue practice.
A unique pronunciation feature uses animation to help learners focus on word/sentence stress and     intonation patterns.
Animated grammar explanations illustrate how grammar works.
Culture Notes help learners understand cultural differences and learn new language within a broader social context.
Native language support for Instructions, The Orientation, Culture Notes, video and audio transcripts, and online Help offers translation in nine languages.
Each level offers 100 hours of instruction, and is available in both American and British English.

Level 1 
Level 2

Features of Level 3 & Level 4

Course material is based on an exciting video drama involving an aspiring journalist and a sports star accused of accepting a bribe.
Students develop skills in speaking, listening, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading and writing.
Role-plays with video characters engage learners and create realistic dialogue practice.
A unique pronunciation feature uses animation to help learners focus on word/sentence stress and intonation patterns.
Animated grammar explanations illustrate how grammar works.
Culture Notes help learners understand cultural differences and learn new language within a broader social context.
Native language support in nine languages for Instructions, the Orientation, Culture Notes, video and audio transcripts, and Help.
Each level offers 100 hours of instruction, and is available in both American and British English.

Level 3
Level 4

Más de 300 podcasts (listening to english)

Listen to english - Más de 300 podcasts para mejorar tu listening

Aprende ingles escuchando, con Los podcasts de este sitio le ayudará a mejorar su vocabulario Inglés y pronunciación y su capacidad de escucha. Son muy corto (5 o 6 minutos) y entregados en Inglés hablado claramente.

Usted puede poner los podcasts en el iPod, reproductor de MP3 o teléfono inteligente, y escucharlos en su camino a la escuela o el trabajo. El texto completo de cada podcast es en este sitio (y también aparecerá en la pantalla del iPod), así que usted puede buscar los significados de las palabras que usted no entienda en un diccionario. Entonces cierra los ojos y escucha! ¡Diviértete!

The podcasts on this site will help you to improve your English vocabulary and pronunciation and your listening skills. They are quite short (5 or 6 minutes) and delivered in clearly spoken English.

You can put the podcasts onto your iPod, Smart Phone or MP3 player, and listen to them on your way to school or work. The full text of each podcast is on this site (and will also appear on your iPod screen), so you can look up the meanings of words that you do not understand in a dictionary. Then close your eyes and listen! Have fun!

We have been making podcasts for English learners since 2006. There are over 200 podcast recordings on this website for you to explore.

Todos los podcasts de esta magnifica web desde el año 2006 hasta el año 2012. Es un archivo rar. donde estan todos los podcasts ordenados alfabeticamente con su archivo mp3 y su pdf correspondiente.

La lista con todos los podcats la podeis encontrar en su web:



Business English Pod (Improve your English business skills)

Business English Pod (Improve your English business skills)

Business English Pod (Improve your English business skills), This English podcast covers a wide variety of business topics, from presentations to interviewing.  The host of this podcast speaks clearly and presents his material well.
A podcast with useful business language.

 Business English Pod - provides free MP3 podcasts, and audio / e-book courses on "Business English" for the levels of intermediate and advanced.Each lesson is aimed at studying the language for situations (meetings, presentations, phone calls, negotiations, daily contact, travel, talk, etc.) and linguistic features (explanation, disagreement, matters of expression, belief, etc.).
You can dowload the every pack separately. Content:
Chalk n Talk
E-mail Tune Up
Business Lessons
Successful job
Video Vocabulary

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